City, date - time

Before starting the day

🎯 The objective for the day

Write here 1 or more things you want to get done today.

πŸ… Health goals for today

What will you do today to keep you active and healthy?

☺️ I'm grateful for...

List all the things that you feel grateful for today.

πŸ’ͺ A nice and powerful quote for today!

Choose something from the web, from a book, from your cousin, whatever...just make sure you have something to give you that boost and/or something that makes you think.

After work

πŸ˜„ Something that made you smile today

Write about something that made you smile or laugh today.

πŸ˜” Something that bothered you today

Write about something that made you feel weird, sad, angry or just bothered.

πŸ’­ Random shit

Just write what is in your heart, dude!